In the last ten years home buying has drastically changed thanks to this great thing called the Internet. Now homebuyers can get on sites like Zillow or even apps branded for real estate companies and get a full report about the home. From what it sold at 10 years ago to the local neighborhood price points. Information is at the tip of their fingers and so often times when people walk into a home it is not their first time. They have most likely have a virtual walk through and have a rough estimate of price. With the game changing as a buyer or even real estate agent here are 3 sure fire tips to stay away from if you want to lose potential home buyers.
1. Hover
When a new couple walks into their potential new home they want a little bit of privacy when talking about decision making process. The last thing they need is someone invading their privacy. Give them their space, but make sure you are always available for questions. Let them explore! Nobody likes a stalker.
2. Dirt
Hands down the easiest way to turn people away is showing a dirty house. This seems obvious, but want to really turn off home buyers, let them walk into a dirty home with stained carpet and Captain Crunch spilled all over the counter. Home buyers want to envision their families growing up there and trust us they won’t get past the captain crunch even if it is a beautiful home. Details are the difference between average and excellence and in this case selling a home or not.
3. Odor
The human nose is one of the most powerful senses and walking into a home that doesn’t smell good is an instant turn off. We would encourage home owners who’s house in on the market to stay away from cook fried foods or cleaning that coffee pot with viengar.
Pet owners sometimes mistake the idea that the pet smell brings a warm homey smell to their house. Realize that everyone is not a pet person, there’s a reason they don’t sell boxer or great dane in a Febreze fragrance.
There are so many little things that can deter a potential home buyer, so become aware and sometimes it even helps to get an outside perspective from a neighbor or real estate agent with a good eye and good nose.